RAmBLE RE: Ableism
In the past when I wasn't as fully seized of wider politics I made work that tried to make people understand that remaining ill is not a persons fault, not to mention the batshit belief that loads of disabled people are faking it for the pittance received in benefits.
Honestly if Someone were keeping up the act all the time they would be living like a disabled person and their life would properly suck. Trust me no one would do that.
Of course some do fake things but those are rare and if you have never seen someone "drop the act" then they are not faking but beware don't assume you can even spot someone who is faking because I, for example have a condition that effects all of my joints so obviously both legs are bad, I should use two sticks but that really sucks so I don't which means when the leg I was using for most support goes then the one I was protecting, and thus giving a break, is my only option is to rely on theonwtaht had been orse moments before. of purse this doesn't always work but the point is I have to swap which side I use the stick, sometimes not even because of my legs but the joints in my arms, I also use a wheel chair but as little as possible as I decondition fast. so when using it I will regularly stand up and walk for a bit, of course people look at me confused probably thinking of the little Britain sketch.
So frankly if it's so hard to tell and there are so few fraudsters your better implicitly believing disabled people. Also we can feel it when you don't believe us, and it does hurt.