Statement from Rosa

I was not ready in the first and probably most important blog post but by now we have make it known that the claim from the cops (and the cops alone) is that Ellis had CP (Child sexual exploitation material) on his computer. I do not believe him.

Please excuse the disjointed post, I’m doing my best. I’ll just be honest this is a number of tweets toots stuck together and I’m sure it could be better, I know it should be… ANYWAY for now I’ll chuck a line between sections

I am a victim of a number of forms of sexual violence, including from an adult as a child, that Ellis is still breathing is all the proof you need that I *completely* trust him. 

Context: read my poetry, see my art, listen to my words, he would be dead if I even thought what (only!) the cops say about him. 
(Let’s be clear though, there’s no more evidence he did it than I did, we are both innocent.)

Thats an important point to understand about why I call this a psyop to kill revolutionaries by engineering a murder suicide they intended to trigger by leveraging my trauma around these issues. It would not even take my believing Ellis was definitely guilty for me to kill him.

I know myself well enough, everyone that knows me does... If even became unsure, if there were any red flags at all, I probably would have already killed him. 

They charged me with threats to kill him on a lie because they know that that is an easier lie to sell about me, something based on the truth that I would do that IF I thought he was guilty, rather than the lie they are telling about him. 
(That charge was dropped obviously because they decline to prove their lie in the way they claimed they could because it was a lie) 

So, my last comment is again directed to the cops: you want to take your shot, fine we see that’s how this is going, just aim at both of us.

I am a victim of many forms of sexual violence and abuse, including the attentions of a pedophile, This is a psyop to make me kill Ellis.

But I trust him, everyone does and state attention was always in our future in one form or another.

I have spent most of my life making art and writing poetry about sexual violence as a confessional activist. (Fair bit on this website)

There’s no fucking way I’d be with some one I believed was guilty of this.

Hell, he wouldn’t be “with us”.

That’s the point

Got to say this shit is clever, leveraging my ptsd like this almost made it possible to section me but thankfully the mental health professionals didn’t sign it off and, ideal for them, if I believed this about my husband I would absolutely murder him. Now we are convinced this is state I’m back to believing that there was, within this fit up, a conscious attempt to engineer a murder suicide.


We got ‘em. Proof of fit-up, they fucked up!


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