British fascism would never look like nazism -

facsist movements are disparate

but all nationalist, never international

Fascism goes through phases

from ideology- is to full-fledged regime,

Robert O Paxton, one of the preeminent relevant historians

developed the respected; four stages of fascism.

Stage 1 - one creating a movement

these stages can be mapped from the precursors specific to our nation:

To the eurosceptic campaigns, gathering support

in response to the 2015 crisis of migration.

prior to which they had been

a consistently inconsequential fringe

the way all fascist movements begin.

Stage 2 - Taking root

the route to power is made possible

the alliances with conservatives and liberals

because fascism is capitalism panic button

uniting against their common enemies on the left

fascist politics is a strike first response to their terror of socialism.

Fascists “take on symbols images and traditions

unique to each and people and nation”

Acceptance of the new meaning assigned

is a necessary precondition

for not being that fascisms victim.

Stage 3- Getting power

and then the rise of Boris Waffle Johnson,

who has, like all such leaders

fully embodies the project;

Brexit champion or mascot

he still managed- however you see it

to successfully wield a selective will

of a selective people

to holding democracy still.

By this method fascist

morph this will into

a monolith, a weapon

a shield against the truth.

Hitler’s Leugenpresse

Trump’s fake news

No alarm ringing yet?

Don’t you remember “project fear”

a less direct translation, yes,

but come on,

don't pretend you don't know what

the phrase means.

it’s the same rhetorical mechanism.

And before you start lets one thing clear:

we don’t expect to see -a totalitarian manifestation here

that we still have some scant liberties doesn’t make

this shit not fascism

totalitarian is not the only the form it can take

facsism is by nature authortarian.

“But, hey!” you say, having not listened

thinking you’ve caught me out

“Johnsons calls himself a libertarian!”

If I haven’t already made clear - fascists lie,

the way Johnson has countless times

and also authoritarians and facsists

are “only concerned with the selve serving

amassing of political power”

and “so long as thats not challenged”

such a regime does often indeed

“afford people a degree of liberty”

considering the facts its fair to say that in this way - Johnson

Is like any other fascist: selective libertarians.

Stage 4 - The Excercise Of Power

Fucking hell, that Tory rebellion

against the powers in the covid legislation

to resist this on grounds of democracy

and rights is unspeakable hypocrisy.


from the Tory traitors

the same cunts that stole your rights

and tipped balance of powers.

An assault the entire media missed

to busy with the frenzy whipped

up around a faux peoples will,

they took their eye off the bill.

The EU Withdrawal act,

the brexit power grab

the media’s negligence

allowed for those last minute changes.

there can be no peace accord

with fascists. and this is not

democracy, so on this basis

As we look down the barrel of stage 4,

the exercise of power

fascist fingers already on triggers

aiming for the head of that they neglect,

the restricted, imprisoned child;


never given a chance to thrive

starved, “subject to Conditions

calculated to cause it's destruction”

just another Tory Genocide.

With such violence

the corruption

and negligence

when protest is made a crime,

Is it not high time

for such barrels point

- their way?

Still metaphorical terror,

sorry to disappoint

the acronyms, however

am happy to unambiguously

advocate for extraparliamentary


being the only avenue for change

in the context we find ourselves today.




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