The Death & Immortality of History
I am a person with no history
- none I can keep.
Even those few memories
that were gentle and sweet
They hurt too much to reminisce
All those sweet things are gone
- never to return
So they're lost to this phenomenon
The truth is I remember everything
The death of history was my decision
The truth is I can't get it out of my head
I'm subject to this endless repetition
Of the very worst of moments; trauma and betrayal
They run on a loop again and again
It can happen anytime, memories metastasised
I never know when
And when they come
The flashbacks blind
I'm there
I've lost my place in time
It happens all over again, I watch
As my innocence dies
I'm consumed in a past
I can't exorcize
Truth is you can't kill your history
Trust me, I've tried.