In case you are curious as to why I risk sounding so arrogant in insisting I have something to offer to popular political discourse. Even if only it’s using my hyper focus to notice what is missing to ensure full context is provided as, only them have you informed anybody.

‪It’s probably, atleast in part, down to my autism that I pay such close attention to coherence of concept particular communications I consider to be high stakes.

Funny, given how inept I can be with interpersonal communication, typical of autism. However it’s is also autistic traits that makes me so obsessed with these things. What is frustrating is that this is objectively an attention to detail That is missing even in advisors for people with political platforms and highly laid journalists. For example, this is missing almost across the board in the BBC.

For anyone that is curious about what I mean by the different way I look on things that seems to be able to identify important omissions. Of course this also required being informed enough to know what is missing.

If you know Autism you will know what I mean by a “special interest” it’s how we refer to the trait of having one subject about which one is obsessive and hyper focused. Mine didn’t reveal itself fully until after I had a Depression treatment On my brain that cleared my mind and made it possible to properly engage with the world, ever since, I spend every moment informing myself of the various political issues I have committed myself to understanding and helping others to understand.

I’m not sure why you would be but if you are still curious.

(The fact that I’ve written this much at all might actually be a good example of the desire to explain enough for what I’m saying to make sense).

Other ways these traits work.

In my art practice, for example, every choice that is made to create a work is conceptually relevant and has to be part of a coherent language that conveys the work’s intended communication. ‬

I can’t help but apply the same method to analysis of both political debate, and news media.

I see pitfalls in political speech and campaigning, eg. words or phrases that have counter productive connotations. Often things I r ally would have assumed communication advisors/ strategists would be sure to avoid using but don’t.

I apply it also to the news media and have come to the conclusion that it has failed us profoundly.

Most of the time these failures take the form of omission, constantly not giving full context.‬

Other reasons perhaps my concern for full context is so strong, obsessive even; as demonstrated by my still explaining myself.

Another aspect of my self, unrelated to the autism, that may contribute to this obsession is my experience of not being understood. Which is definitely, but not exclusively, down to the autism.

It is because of that experience that I, so acutely, know the rift between what is inferred in the absence of crucial context and what people understand when the negative space, surrounding information, is filled in. ‬

The reception And perception of the communication can be worlds apart. ‬ ‪

I have always been aware that it is a minority of people that will give me a chance and, even if they do, if I’m lucky enough that they do want to get to know me the same problem always presents it’s self. This invariably means some things about myself for my life and nature to make sense. ‬ ‪

Thing is, I don’t have much of a choice given that my deviates so far from the norm that to refuse to explain I it would just seem weird and possibly even more offputting than the built-in probability that for a certain proportion of people, such an explaination will put them off spending time with me. ‬ ‪

(truth is a friendship with someone that reacts like that any way so, while painful, it does serve the purpose of weeding out those that would only be a waste of time and heart ache. )‬ ‪

But if someone is going to become my friend, even for a while, they at least need to know the basics.

Thing is, those basic requirements for an explaination that makes my life make sense are what most would consider pretty heavy shit. ‬

‪Regardless, I still have a better shot if I explain. ‬ ‪

That’s the personal reason why I’ve always been so open. It is true though that I have always been prepared to use myself as an example in the effort to encourage understanding of those that don’t want to speak. This has always been the case in my practice as an artist & poet and, now, also activism/ awareness raising (when relevant).

I’m open because I know my life does make sense, a horrible kind of sense I now understand all too well.‬


So, the UK now has a Ministry of Truth


House of Lords: It’s a trap!