We still need you - It’s not going to be okay.

#weareinnocent and we may have found this big fuck up by the police in that illegal warrant two days before the alleged crime but this is no time at all to relax.

From speaking to some of our close comrades, it's clear that this is because you think things are now going to be okay so the same support isn't needed.

We are sorry but we do really think you're wrong and it’s not at all going to be okay

We, at least, are absolutely not confident that this will be dropped and can't see any reason to really think that it will be, considering how long it's been since they could have done so. Rather we are convinced they are using this time to fake the evidence they have claimed to have and likely more to explain away the early warrant, which would obviously mean that this is in, no way, over.

But also.. even if the State backed down which would be the last thing they want to do given we won't stop claiming they tries to kill us with a psyop to incite murder-suicide and, when this failed, tried to fit us up. We will not stop saying that because death first and TRUTH FOREVER is an approach we take to everything but also, how could we? The reason this isn't over and we still desperately need your support, even if this was dropped tomorrow, is that we have still been violently smeared, our reputations destroyed, and are currently alienated by the movement.

This represents forever defending ourselves against the allegation and a loss of ability to engage in the cause we live, and have suffered so much, for and that is just too heartbreaking. Please don't leave us like this. Honestly, I don't know how I would possibly live with that, which is literally the best-case scenario in the context of advocacy being scaled back at this point. Moral support behind the scenes changes nothing about this terrible best forecast.

We still need you to be talking about this. The toll this is taking is still indescribable and the material reality of our situation is as I have described: We do still fear that just as much is still at stake but clearly whatever happens now, as things are, it's not going to be okay.

Please boost this, perhaps also on Twitter and Mastodon.

For other ways to help please see this blog post




Everything in one place.