Statement from Ellis Langsdale

Hey, Ellis here. Although personally, my future looks bleak, my concerns are not for myself. There have been physical attacks on myself by both fascists and the state on several occasions, with stays in hospital inspired by the police on more than one occasion with no charges against me. I've served time for actions I've taken that I considered to be the right action at the right time to fight capitalism and the state. I've had the Chief Prosecutor for the ICC tell me that were I to continue down the path I was taking my government would try to kill me and I should leave the country. (I took his advice to heart and stopped my prosecution of the government for illegal extradition through Scotland.) In short, intense pressure from the state is something I've had to deal with on more than one occasion and I am therefore better equipped to deal with this than is Rosa. Primarily, the effect on Rosa has been devastating and I fervently wish this had never happened in the way it did for her sake. We had come to terms with the fact the state would probably end us one way or another, "hail of bullets" was the term we used.
It makes sense that they did what they did; when Rosa and I met it was the catalyst for a true revolutionary non-anonymous media presence, with both Rosa's political knowledge and the anarchist theory and praxis that is myself becoming a true voice for revolution against both systems of government and capitalism itself. It became very quickly more than the sum of its parts, we are a danger to the powers that be and the status quo. Basically, this had to be nipped in the bud.
You can see by looking at the timing of the actions by the state and the police that the initial raid timing was suspiciously close to us contacting and conversing with underground anti-state movements that were already subject to investigation, their initial planting of evidence dates coinciding closely with the full radicalisation of the channel and declaration of ourselves as revolutionaries.
I refute their claims with everything I have. I have spent my life fighting oppression of every kind and being accused of something so antithetical to my nature has rocked both of us to our core.
As I stated previously, my concerns are not so much for myself, but for Rosa and the leftist movement itself. This should be rocking you to your core too, a comrade accused of something so heinous as to be capable of tarnishing the reputation of the left is not something to be taken lying down. All I ask is that you help us by making this known. Reticence is not an option, if they can do this to us, they can do it to you.
Fuck the Police. Fuck the State. Fuck shit up.


I am not delusional. Heres this, in case you missed it.


#weareinnocent & Introduction