#weareinnocent & Introduction


We’ve settled on a hashtag for *all this*: #weareinnocent

It is fitting because, though (they could charge me too with their fake evidence, they don’t/didn’t know8 this but, it happens to implicate me too due to timing *I’ve explained some other time, and my hands are exhausted rn, feel free to ask then I’ll be motivated enough to use these shitty hands to explain the silliness and sickness of it all) they won’t charge me (harder lie to sell about me bc of work in the public domain for at least 15 years), they did falsy accuse me of something; wanting to kill my husband and comrade, Ellis. The charge of threats to kill was dropped and they backed way off because they stupidly claimed to be able to prove their lie with CCTV, to which I obviously said "lol go on then"
They still decline to try.

The other reason the hashtag says we, even though the hope is others will use it is mentioned further down but in short, this lie will be used against us all.


Allow us to introduce ourselves, for those of you who are encountering us and our efforts for the first time, the introduction to who we are is exactly why this is happening to us so let’s do both:

Rosa and Ellis Langsdale, husband, and wife, comrades, FRAMED BY THE STATE for daring to, non-anonymously and unironically, call ourselves revolutionaries. Disabled so mostly online ag YouTube & Social saying things no other non-anon anarchists do. Ellis is being framed for possession of CP, my self accused of threats to kill (charge dropped cos it was A FUCKING LIE) I am a victim of sexual violence, they tried to get me to kill revolutionaries for the but I won't I have no reason not to trust him other than the word of my ideological enemy who I also know to have lied about me. So that won't be working.

I have PTSD (and have spoken publicly about it for 15 years that's why the state could have planned this ad and also why even though their fake evidence totally would implicate me if real, they will not charge me too. It is a harder lie to sell about me cos of that work etc) Sorry, long parenthesis, the point is:

I obviously find it all triggering af too (way more than you, given I'm the victim of sexual violence actually living it, having to think and talk about this horrific thing), we both find it deeply disturbing, remember that we are the ones having to live it with no content warnings at all and that silence never says nothing.

Personally, I failed to see through the Allegations against Assange and I regret that. In this case, there is the word of cops and cops alone you'd be trusting. If you look into this you will see every aspect of this "investigation" absolutely stinks.

Have a look at what else happened on the day I was arrested for threats to kill I never issued. Then decide if you going to "get involved" or now. You already are, this WILL be used to smear all anarchists, don't think the movement can ignore us, and don't you dare expect us to be okay with that, to disappear for convenience? It's not like haven't considered it but honestly, that would be a stain on the movement too, such a flipping of solidarity, for it to be expected to come from us in the form of disappearing. We don't, surely no one can't really expect or want us to.

Either way we will scream from the rooftops; #weareinnocent


Statement from Ellis Langsdale


Update: political repression under a false pretext.